Graziottin A. Serafini A. Medical treatments for sexual problems in women in: Mulhall J.P .(Ed.) Incrocci L. Goldstein I. Rosen R. (Ass. Eds), Cancer and Sexual Health, Humana Press, 2011, p. 627-641
Cancer is increasingly more of a chronic than a fatal disease. More attention should be focused on restoring a satisfying QOL, which includes physical intimacy, sensuality, and sexuality. Unfortunately, sexual problems are usually neglected in female cancer survivors, with a specific denial of their biological basis, with symptoms being attributed to the negative psychological effect of cancer diagnosis and treatment per se and their negative affective consequences such as depression and anxiety. Opposite to this psychologically-oriented approach, medical and rehabilitative treatments can offer substantial improvements, certainly more so when combined with appropriate psychosexual counseling. Indeed, the contextual sensitivity of female sexual response tends to more frequently require the use of a combination treatment, where sexual pharmaceuticals and sex coaching is integrated more frequently for women than it has been for men.
Per gentile concessione di Humana Press - Springer
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